Elegant Sayings
Elegant Sayings includes two complementary works by outstanding masters of philosophy and poetic expression: "Staff of Wisdom" by Nagarjuna and "Treasury of Elegant Sayings" by the Tibetan scholar Sa-skya Pandita. Both texts are examples of Nitishastras, practical wisdom for a wide range of purposes, from advice on wise governance intended for those in power to everyday ethical and moral choices that can profoundly influence the quality and course of one's life. This book was published to inspire the general public with the grace and beauty inherent in human action and the joy of exercising wisdom that liberates one from guilt and regret.
"There is no ornament like virtue, no misery like worry, no protection like patience, and no friend equal to generosity."
In "The Staff of Wisdom," the Indian Mahayana master Nagarjuna offers the practical wisdom of the Dharma in witty, thought-provoking, and uplifting verses that apply to all types of life situations. Expressing universal truths that remind us of basic human values, Tibetan scholar Sakya Pandita's "Treasury" gives profound advice for daily life in truly elegant sayings that remain readily in the mind. Elegant Sayings is a fine, brief introduction to the Buddhist way of life that encourages the reader to explore the wealth of the Dharma.
ISBN 978-0-913546-13-0