What's New

Stories That Shape The World

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Contemporary culture has been greatly influenced by classics such as Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid. However, what would have happened if an alternate tale had dominated storytelling in the West? The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava sheds light on time, knowledge, and consciousness, with the same narrative momentum as our revered epics. This text offers valuable insights into the history of Buddhism in Tibet and encourages us to contemplate the stories we hold in high regard. If this text had received similar attention over the centuries, imagine the kind of world we would inhabit today.

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Words at Work: Part Three

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In our third Words at Work feature, we explore the value of opening our hearts to our circumstances at work with Mark Hoeppner. This profound wisdom can be found in the works of Tarthang Tulku, such as Gesture of Great Love, which introduces us to powerful tools for achieving our aspirations, whether in social settings, at work, or during new adventures.

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Words at Work: Part One

in What's New

In a new mini-series, follow the events at Dharma Publishing, Yeshe De, and Ratna Ling Retreat Center and see how the lessons in these books come to life. This time, discover how a gardener at Ratna Ling Retreat Center gleaned a new means of accomplishing her goals with the help of Tarthang Tulku's Skillful Means (now The Gift of Work).

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Caring While Working

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Self-care has become a common topic, emphasizing the importance of taking time for ourselves. However, focusing solely on self-care outside of our daily activities may not address workplace burnout. It's essential to integrate self-care practices into our work routines. With insights from Tarthang Tulku’s book Caring, we can explore the significance of learning to care for ourselves within and beyond the workplace.

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Fresh Perspectives on Problems (Part 4)

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Recognizing and attempting to solve problems can unintentionally establish limits, as it freezes the narrative we tell ourselves into a specific shape that may be resistant to change. Dive into Tarthang Tulku’s Dimensions of Mind and explore how, next time you encounter a problem, you can give yourself space and time to not understand the situation, permission not to know how to explain every part of what is happening, and let the situation float without creating labels and narratives

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Fresh Perspectives on Problems (Part 3)

in What's New

Uncover the powerful role of the mind in shaping our experiences and delve into its inner workings with the help of Revelations of Mind by Tarthang Tulku. Through each chapter, gain insight into the patterns of the human mind and understand how our tendency to define situations based on past experiences can impact our well-being.

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Fresh Perspectives on Problems (Part 2)

in What's New

Dive into Tarthang Tulku’s Knowledge of Freedom for an introspective journey into the nature of knowledge and the conditioning of experience. Tap into chapters that encourage a break from dualistic thinking and the reevaluation of one's role in problematic situations. With a wealth of practical guidance and resources, including a self-paced online training course and upcoming retreat, this book can help foster a transformative approach to questioning the mind and embracing the infinite potential of each moment—no matter how troublesome they may seem.

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