When a Book Becomes a Companion: Knowledge of Freedom

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Take a thought-provoking journey inward and become empowered to take charge of life through unlocking the boundless potential for knowledge. Knowledge of Freedom offers a transformative perspective on human freedom by challenging the ingrained mental patterns that shape our thoughts and actions while raising fundamental questions about modern life. Engaging with this book is like conversing with our own heart and mind, immersing in the grand tapestry of history and embarking on an intimate exploration of self and the concept of "I." This book is a must-read for anyone interested in psychology and seeking to seamlessly integrate knowledge into daily life.

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“To begin to know something new, we must first realize that there is something that we don’t know” (Knowledge of Freedom, p. 23).

"The sensation we now call fear can be a gateway to inner awakening. Whenever we taste fear, we can suspect that we are close to knowledge that we have hidden from ourselves. Like a good friend, fear will never leave us until we completely understand our own being" (Knowledge of Freedom, p. 151).

Contemplation: Seeing Through Pain

“Though it seems we have no protection against the power of pain and fear, we can choose to look at pain differently and actually use fearful times or hurtful memories to break pain’s hold. When we see that our efforts to push pain away do not bring us relief, why not reverse our responses and look directly at the pain itself? Relaxing into the sensations, letting them be, we can lighten their pressure and calm our minds. Once we cease thinking or talking about the pain, we remove the basis for identifying ourselves with it. We are no longer running away, but resting within the experience, observing what is happening. 

By watching the flow of the breath and allowing breathing to become smooth and regular, it is possible to open a space between ourselves and the pain. Within this space, we can flow into and then out of the pain we are experiencing. With each outward movement of breath we can sink into the feelings, lightly touching the pain we are feeling. With each intake, we can expand the space that cushions us from the pain’s intensity. By doing this, we can view pain as separate from us, as an object that can be examined more dispassionately. From this perspective we can observe its ebb and flow” (Knowledge of Freedom, p. 240).


For Further Study

Embarking on a journey with Knowledge of Freedom can be enriched through the practice of Open Inquiry. Numerous questions and contemplations are offered throughout this book which invite readers into deep self-exploration and to scrutinize the answers they uncover. Open Inquiry doesn't stop at the initial answers but encourages a continual cycle of questioning and probing even further into the subsequent responses that emerge. In doing so, this method of further study allows for a transformative experience and a broader expanse of knowledge as one traverses from the known into the unknown. 



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Customer Reviews

Worth Your Time: “Read a bit, contemplate whether it is true or not, and you find it is the start of a new way of investigating experiences. From my perspective this is one of the best Buddhism-inspired self help books written. It manages to make a Buddhist critique of the modern mindset completely accessible, no previous knowledge needed” (Zach Zinn).

My New Bedside Book:Knowledge of Freedom has become my bedside book and guide. The deepness, magnitude and transcendence of its reflections protect my life. Reading it and studying it with others fulfills me with faith in human existence” (Silvina Villafane).

One of the Best Spiritual books I've Ever Read: “This is one book I return to probably more often than any other. There is an incredible amount of insight and inspiration in each page. The question is, can the reader bring himself to take on the challenges the writer is asking him to consider. Tarthang Tulku is a teacher who never stops asking more from his students -- are we willing to truly change? We can truly change, if we are willing to let go of many things which are holding us back on many levels. Are we willing to give up many treasured and familiar aspects of ourselves that are impeding our understanding, causing us to suffer and to waste our time, our lives, and our potential? Tarthang Tulku always pushes us to discover more, to express our deeper nature, to unveil the profound meaning of all things and experiences” (A Customer).

What a Great Book This Is!!! “As a teacher, I feel that this book can benefit all of my students in their quest for freedom as described by Tarthang Tulku. I especially recommend this resource for persons interested in learning more about their internal mechanisms or patterns of conditioning. This book has helped me learn what Freedom is really about in contrast to our president and others who base their understanding of freedom on religious beliefs, insecurities and prejudices” (Louise M. Vest).

A Guide to Our Development as Humans.... “I discovered Knowledge of Freedom and am grateful for the guidance that Tarthang Tulku provides us as he introduces us to our common, yet unique experiences as human beings. Includes many exercises to meditate and incorporate these stages of development into understanding and appreciating this Great Adventure into Time, Space and Knowledge. I have purchased his books and share them with my Injured Warriors and Families returning from over 20 years of wars....Injured to the Core-Corp. Tarthang Tulku is so brilliant that every paragraph boosts our immune system and our Mind to recover and restore from these Injuries of every system...especially our Spirit. He will guide us carefully through these painful recovery experiences and make us feel so grateful that we are Alive and breathing fresh air, no more toxic wars” (Gerald Vest).

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